Racing Topics > Electric Touring

Is the 2nd of October the last race?


A little spikey haired (red on top) bird told me that there may be 1/10 scale racing after the weekend of the 2nd.  can anyone confirm or deny this for me.

Weird I heard the same thing too!

I believe it hinges on when we can get into 12th scale and how the weather holds....

I also heard we will be running 12th scale through the summer 2006 on the parking lot and 10th scale indoors for Winter 2006 after which we will run 8th scale pan cars in the parking lot for Summer 2007....  we are also looking into buying an aircraft hangar at the airport in Comox to race in....

8O  8O  :?  :?  :roll:  :roll:  :cry:  :oops:  :P  8O  :D  :)  :(  :o  :lol:  8)  :?  8O  :P  :x  :oops:  :cry:

At this point in time, the last official outdoor day is still October 2nd, and the first official indoor day is October 8th.

However, due to our relationship with the Saanich facility, we have been bumped from that venue on the 8th already, so that is why we are in the process of arranging an alternate venue for indoor racing this winter.

Stay tuned for more details.


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