Winter Racing 2024/2025

Started by Blake, September 05, 2024, 05:34:39 PM

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IROCC Winter 2024/2025 Race Season Information:

Welcome to IROCC's Winter 2024/2025 Carpet Season.

Dates in 2024 (Saturday evenings):
Oct 5
Oct 26
Nov 2
Nov 16
Nov 30
Dec 14

Jan 11
Jan 25
Feb 8
Feb 22
Mar 22
Apr 5
Apr 19

Eagle Ridge Community Center Dry Arena
1089 Langford Pkwy, Victoria, BC V9B 0A5

Race Night Program:
4:00PM Doors open for track setup
4:45PM Practice
5:15PM Q1
6:25PM Q2
7:35PM Q3
8:45PM Mains
10:00PM Track teardown

Race Classes:
Touring Stock 21.5
12th Scale Stock 17.5

Race Fees:
Adult $30 flat fee
Child/Student $10 flat fee

100' x 48' CRC Black Carpet

Limited tables provided
Chairs NOT provided
Bring an extension cord
SXT traction compound only



First Carpet Club Race, Saturday October 5th

Saturday October 5th evening is our first carpet club race.  Doors open at 4:00pm and track setup starts at 4:10pm.  All local racers are expected to help with track setup (reasonable exceptions are fine).  Some notes:

  • New Track Setup: We'll be building a new track layout for the first night which will take extra time.  We'll then run an extended practice session, followed by two qualifiers and one main.  Future race nights will run three qualifiers and one main.
  • Tables/Chairs: Eagle Ridge has some tables for our use, but not enough for everyone.  If you have a small table, it would be wise to bring it along.  You MUST bring your own chair.
  • Payment: Cash and E-Transfers are accepted.
  • TC Rubber Tires: The club will have touring car rubber tires on hand for purchase.  They are the same tires that most racers have used the last few years.
  • Traction Compound: SXT is the only permitted traction compound.



First Club Race This Saturday October 5th
This Saturday evening is our first indoor club race.  Doors open at 4:00pm and track setup starts at 4:10pm.  All local racers are expected to help with track setup (reasonable exceptions are fine).

Important Quick Tips for Race #1
Follow these tips if you want to have fun at Race #1.  The car must be race ready, with the battery installed, before making these measurements:

Touring Car

12th Scale Car
  • Ride height should be set somewhere between 3.4mm and 3.8mm.
  • Body height should be set to 8mm.

Front Tires
  • Same applies to 12th Scale front tires.



Excellent First Carpet Race!
Thanks to everyone who made it out for our first carpet race of the season on Saturday.  We had a good turnout and lots of strong performances.  Setup was a little slow due to laying out a new track.  It will be twice as fast next time now that the layout is chalked and all the corners are preassembled.  We will run 3x qualifiers next time.

Big shoutout to Phil C and Shawn Z for bringing along all the PA gear and the extra scaffold planks.  Much appreciated guys!

A few notable performances, especially from some of our new racers:

Rich F had never touched an RC car transmitter in his life and managed to run the loaner car to a D-Main win and a bump-up in the C-Main.  He was very consistent all evening, steadily getting faster with each lap.

Rain A ran the second club car, and although she didn't have a transponder, she also ran impressively well with zero RC experience.  Really awesome to see!

Another new racer Gavin A also caught on very quickly and ran some clean laps in qualifying.  Great work Gavin.

Matthew C had a career night qualifying 11th overall in TC earning a solid B-Main spot.  He also ran 12th Scale for the first time and did very well bumping out of the C-Main and getting some extra runtime in the B-Main.

Special mention to Dale S and Kevin M for doing really well in their first ever onroad carpet races!

And finally, awesome performance from Ryan P, making his first ever 12th Scale A-Main in the modern era of IROCC!

There are too many good performances to list as racing was quite competitive with lots of racers stepping up early in the season.  Let's keep it going.

Next Race is Saturday Oct 26
We have three weeks until the next race, Saturday Oct 26th.  Doors open at 4:00PM.  We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.




Club racing this Saturday October 26th
This Saturday evening is our next club race.  Doors open at 4:00pm and track setup starts at 4:10pm.  All local racers are expected to help with track setup.  Please make an effort to help with at least setup or teardown at a minimum thanks.

We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.  Make sure your cars are ready to go.

See you there!


Fun Club Race!
Thanks to everyone who made it out for racing on Saturday.  Setup and teardown were both very smooth which allowed for some extra practice time.

Highlights of the night:

Jarrod H debuted his new 12th Scale car and took it to a strong win, even with an older motor.  Blake B and Craig R were in the hunt for the whole race but Jarrod didn't make any mistakes.  Nice run J-Rod.

The TC B-Main featured an epic battle between Jay and Tim B for the second transfer spot to the A-Main.  This was Tim's first ever carpet race with IROCC and he got up to speed quickly.  Initially Jay tried a clumsy pass which wasn't great, so he regrouped and made a really nice clean pass coming out of the pool table corner.  Unfortunately he gave it back to Tim on the next lap.  Finally, on the last couple laps Jay tried a third time and made a pass around the outside coming out of the big "S" section and this time it stuck.  It was really fun to watch these guys.  Hats off to both Jay and Tim for some great driving while also showing great on track etiquette.

Shoutout to Jack F and Joe F for continuing to get faster and cleaner in their racing programs.  They've both been running fairly regularly the last few years and you can see it in their driving.  These guys both managed to finish ahead of brother Rob for a little family bragging rights.

Armed with a transponder for the first time, Rain A made steady progress throughout the night, peaking with 13 laps in the main.  Great work Rain!

Special mention to Wendell C and Avery B for helping out a potential new racer with the loaner car.  Wendell and Avery weren't even racing that night but they managed to get another racer on the track which was awesome.  Thanks guys!

Next Race is this Saturday Nov 2
We are back racing this Saturday.  This is the only back-to-back race of the season.  Doors open at 4:00PM.  We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.


Consistency Rankings and other Analytics



Club racing this Saturday November 2nd
This Saturday evening is our next club race.  Doors open at 4:00pm and track setup starts at 4:10pm.  All local racers are expected to help with track setup.

We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.  Make sure your cars are ready to go.

The following race will be in 2.5 weeks on November 16th.

See you Saturday!


Fun Club Race!
Thanks to everyone who made it out for racing on Saturday.  Setup and teardown were very smooth.  We had a lighter turnout which made for a more laid-back schedule and some extra practice.

Dalyn S was the class of the field on this night with two TQs and two wins.  What made it even more impressive was that this was his first race of the season and he was running a new 12th Scale car that he'd never driven before.  He will be tough to beat this year.

Dan L had a great run in the TC A-Main keeping Dalyn honest for almost the entire main, never more than a few feet behind.  Unfortunately he made a small tap on the last lap but it was a great effort nonetheless.

Jay J and Ryan P had a very close finish in the 12th Scale B-Main for the final bump-up to the A-Main.  Jay miscalculated his lead and let Ryan close the gap leading to a shootout over the last half lap.  It was fun to watch even if it was born out of a mental error!

Next Race is Saturday Nov 16
The next race is Saturday Nov 16.  Doors open at 4:00PM.  We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.


Consistency Rankings and other Analytics



Club racing this Saturday November 16th
This Saturday evening is our next club race.  Doors open at 4:00pm and track setup starts at 4:10pm.  All local racers are expected to help with track setup.

We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.  Make sure your cars are ready to go.

See you Saturday!


Fun Race Night!
Thanks to everyone who made it out for racing on Saturday.  We had a good turnout and lots of good racing.  Setup and teardown were both super fast.  Thank you to all those that pitch in to make it a club effort.

So far this season there has been a high level of league parity.  We had two new winners in Craig R and Dan L which makes six unique winners out of eight A-Mains this season.  I guess the salary cap must be working....  Seriously though congrats to these guys, and especially to Dan for getting his first IROCC win!

Huge shoutout to Phil C for making it to racing after eating Saturday breakfast four time zones away in Halifax.  That's dedication!

Glenn A had a strong night with a 2nd place finish in TC and Tim B seems to have found a home in the top group after only a few race nights which is great to see.

Shoutout to Paul Y for finishing 3rd in the 12th Scale B-Main.  That was a good run especially given his car looked a little unbalanced out there.  Nice work Paul.

Brian B turned in some nice runs as well, with some of his cleanest driving we've seen lately.  And Rain A set a career best time in the TC main by several seconds which was great to see!

Next Race is Saturday Nov 30
The next race is in two weeks on Saturday Nov 30.  Doors open at 4:00PM.  We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.




Club racing this Saturday November 30th
This Saturday evening is our next club race.  Doors open at 4:00pm and track setup starts at 4:10pm.  All local racers are expected to help with track setup.

We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.  Make sure your cars are ready to go.


See you Saturday!


Big Race Night!
Thanks to everyone who made it out for racing last Saturday.  We had a big turnout and lots of good racing.

The 12th Scale class is tighter than the NFC West and it seems like anyone has a shot any given Saturday night.  Dalyn S and Jarrod H were the quickest in qualifying but old timers Blake B, Craig R, and Nick F were in the mix as well.  Ultimately it would be Dalyn taking a wire-to-wire win in the main after a flawless run.

Nick F kept his dominance over the TC class with a win in the main even after Dan L set the TQ.  Yes Nick's car is quick but his driving was pretty top notch that night too.

Congrats to Shawn Z for a 6th place finish in the TC A-Main.  Good night from him!  And similarly, Sean B ran super well in 12th Scale all night, making it into the A-Main in a busy field.

Next Race is Saturday Dec 14
The next race is in two weeks on Saturday Dec 14.  Doors open at 4:00PM.  We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.  This will be the last race in 2024.  First race in January is Jan 11, 2025.




Club racing this Saturday December 14th
This Saturday evening is our next club race.  Doors open at 4:00pm and track setup starts at 4:10pm.  All local racers are expected to help with track setup.

We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.  Make sure your cars are ready to go.

This will be the last race in 2024.  The first race in January is Jan 11, 2025.

See you Saturday!


Fun Club Race!
Thanks to everyone who made it out for racing on Saturday.  We had a light turnout which made for a relaxed schedule and some extra practice.

Nick F and Dan L put on a good show in the TC Main.  Dan applied pressure but Nick was steady and took a photo finish win which was fun to watch.

Shoutout to Brian B and Jack F for putting in some of their best performances of the season so far.  We saw some nice clean driving all night from both of them.

12th Scale again featured some really close racing - complete with heartbreak and triumph.  It didn't matter what side of the equation you were on though as a nice communal dinner afterward was really the top prize of the night.

PS.  It was great to see Rick P after many many years!

Next Race is Saturday Jan 11
We are off for the Christmas break.  The next race is Saturday Jan 11.  Doors open at 4:00PM.  We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.




Club racing Saturday January 11th
Saturday Jan 11 evening is our next club race.  Doors open at 4:00pm and track setup starts at 4:10pm.  All local racers are expected to help with track setup.

We will run a full race program with three qualifiers followed by the mains.  Make sure your cars are ready to go.
