[forum news] Forum hints and tips

Started by weekend_camper, July 04, 2008, 12:08:46 AM

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weekend camper

IROCC forums have just reached 400 members in total.

Thats pretty cool.

weekend camper

I temporarily disabled new registrations, as it looks like its "spambot day" on the internet.

I'll re-engage the registrations tomorrow.

weekend camper

Re: timestamps on posts

The server time is set to East Coast time.  If you are not logged in, or have not set your account time zone, this will be the time you see when looking at post times.

If you want to make sure your account is showing West Coast time ....

Profile -> Summary -> Modify Profile -> Look and Layout ------ time offset (auto detect).  Click auto detect.


Quote from: weekend camper on November 28, 2012, 01:18:07 PM
Re: timestamps on posts

The server time is set to East Coast time.  If you are not logged in, or have not set your account time zone, this will be the time you see when looking at post times.

If you want to make sure your account is showing West Coast time ....

Profile -> Summary -> Modify Profile -> Look and Layout ------ time offset (auto detect).  Click auto detect.

Thanks for that, it was bugging me lol!
Xray T4 2013 Touring Stock - Xray T4 2013 VTA - Xray NT1 - CRC Gen-X10  - CRC GEN-X - CRC GEN-XI - Traxxas Slash 4X4 with LCG conversion - RC8Be  - Xray XB4  - DX3R-PRO
Recycled teenager.

weekend camper

Quote from: weekend camper on September 07, 2010, 02:48:09 PM

The admin team can manually register a legit account, if anyone has problems getting set up here.

Worth repeating.

Also, was asked offline if it was possible to "hide" a user's posts ..... there is.  Go to your profile area, and click on "modify profile".  At the very bottom of that menu, there is "buddies/ignore list".  Use with caution, as it interferes with PM's as well (for example, buy 'n sell offers).

weekend camper

The main community/support boards for this forums software was hacked/compromised earlier. Nothing that would directly affect you, the users of this board, but it is an interesting read for those that care to brush up on the latest hacking and some pointers to help protect yourselves.

QuoteDear valued community members,

On the 22nd of July 2013, it was discovered that unauthorized access to our website and database has been obtained on the 20th of July.
The method is similar to the hacks that were recently conducted at other websites, even though those sites used other software.
One of the admins account password was discovered, and from there further escalation wasn't too difficult considering admin privileges can do just about anything.

Unfortunately, we are 100% sure that our user database has been stolen.
As such we HIGHLY RECOMMEND, even implore you, to:
1.) Change your password on other websites you are using, if you use the same password there. This is very important to do, as it also will help prevent other websites being hacked through your compromised password, if it is compromised.
2.) Change your password here on our website.
3.) If you use the password you use here anywhere else, say for example to login to your webhost, it is highly urged to change it.
4.) Please note that personal messages may have also been compromised. We don't know for sure if the hacker only downloaded the user tables or not, although that's the only thing he/she is after. If they did: keep in mind that passwords you shared through PM should now be considered vulnerable. It's best not to take the risk and gamble, and just change any password you shared through PM as well.
5.) Charter members, current and past, are encouraged to change ALL passwords if they ever sent any in to us. That would include FTP.

Please keep in mind:
This is !!NOT!! a security issue with the SMF software. If you are running the latest SMF version you have nothing to fear from this hack if you use different passwords.

The method used by the hacker is that a database is downloaded from another hacked website, the passwords are attempted to be decrypted and if it is successful: they try to login to other websites using that username & password, or try to cross-reference by using password reset links.
Unfortunately for us, a Administrator used the same password elsewhere on another site and access to our site was obtained when the password from the other hacked site was successfully decrypted. As a result, the hacker was able to login here with admin rights.
Hundreds of websites have been hacked lately by using this method, so you are highly encouraged to change your passwords...

... And remember: don't use the same password on multiple sites!
It helps to prevent hacks like this.

Thank you for your consideration and we deeply apologize for any inconvenience this causes for you.
By changing your passwords, you will help ensure that other sites do not fall victim to this method of hacking and help put a halt to the hacking spree that has affected hundreds, if not thousands, of websites already.

-edit for clarification-
Yes, the passwords are stored with encryption.
Unfortunately, even encrypted passwords can be decrypted. Hence, the passwords used here should not be considered safe anymore.

Any questions, please do feel free to ask.
Please stay on topic.

Kind regards,
Board of Directors
Simple Machines


weekend camper

updated forum to latest version

also grabbed db copy while at it.